啟蒙階英文讀本:Tug the Pup and Friends! (My very first I Can Read!)

Tug the Pup and Friends!是美國知名出版社HarperCollins出的兒童分級讀本I Can Read!裡的一個系列讀本。I Can Read!分級讀本一共分成六級,從簡到難分別為:My very first,My First,Level 1,Level 2, Level 3,Level 4。Tug the Pup and Friends!是最簡單的My very first level,一共有三組套書,每一組套書中包含12本14cm*14cm的小書,這12本小書分別是11個Tug the Pup與牠農場好朋友們的小故事和一本父母手冊(包含獎勵貼紙)。家裡小孩剛開始接觸英文時,我一直想找最簡單內文但又有點故事性的英文圖畫書給她看,Tug the Pup and Friends!感覺是很方便的選擇,內文經過教育學家設計,循序漸進慢慢增加句子的長度與難度,故事內容都是可愛動物為主角的小趣事。Tug the Pup and Friends!三組套書一共33個故事搭配I Can Read!另外兩組Phonics讀本Biscuit Phonics Fun和Biscuit more Phonics Fun就成了我家小孩啟蒙階英文很重要的讀物,我幾乎一週有三到四天都會固定念其中幾本給她聽,她啟蒙階許多基礎單字就是在這當中記住的。

Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 1


My Very First I Can Read!:

Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 1:Guided Reading Levels A-C

Big Pig
Nat the Cat
Tug The Pup
Pen Hen
The Egg
The Fireflies
The Snowflake
Nat the cat gets stuck
The Nap
The Birthday Party
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 1 Level A
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 1 Level B
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 1 Level C

Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 2:Guided Reading Levels C-E

Peg the chick and the balloon
The snowman
Rhyme Time
The big cucumber
The pie
The corn
Tug the pup is brave
Pen hen knits a hat
the lost crab
the boat
The jump rope
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 2 Level D

Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 3:Guided Reading Levels E-G

Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 3
  1. Flat Tire
  2. Tug The Pup And His Shadow
  3. The Sand Castle
  4. The Singing Contest
  5. Duck, Duck, Goose
  6. ACHOO!
  7. The First Day Of Spring
  8. Scram The Skunk
  9. It Is Good to Have A Tail
  10. A Good Trade
  11. The Dancing Lessons
  12. *Parent's Guide
介紹兒童英文分級讀本:Tug the Pup and Friends!是美國知名出版社HarperCollins出的兒童分級讀本I Can Read!裡的一個系列讀本。I Can Read!分級讀本一共分成六級,從簡到難分別為:My very first,My First,Level 1-3。
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 3 Level E

介紹兒童英文分級讀本:Tug the Pup and Friends!是美國知名出版社HarperCollins出的兒童分級讀本I Can Read!裡的一個系列讀本。I Can Read!分級讀本一共分成六級,從簡到難分別為:My very first,My First,Level 1-3。
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 3 Level F

介紹兒童英文分級讀本:Tug the Pup and Friends!是美國知名出版社HarperCollins出的兒童分級讀本I Can Read!裡的一個系列讀本。I Can Read!分級讀本一共分成六級,從簡到難分別為:My very first,My First,Level 1-3。
Tug the Pup and Friends! Box Set 3  Level G


Tug the Pup and Friends!這一系列分級讀本是由語言教育學家Dr. Julie編寫的,用相關性高,常用字,簡單句型來撰文,再佐以圖片幫助孩童理解。故事圍繞在Tug the Pup這隻小狗與他農場裡的朋友們,隨著故事發展,也會一直加入新角色。每一本書最後以及所附的Parent's Guide有親子共讀技巧提示,相關遊戲,延伸親子活動建議等。很適合當作幼兒剛開始“識字,讀英文”的學習讀物。


我很高興我決定在女兒三歲半開始接觸英文就讀這套書給她聽,她在我的”誘拐“下,每本小書都聽我講過八次以上,就這樣在啟蒙階累積了許多英文基礎認知單字。但Tug the Pup and Friends!系列終究是讀本不是故事繪本,書本尺寸小,圖片繪圖沒有繪本故事書那麼講究,常有“不連戲”的情況被女兒發現。那就當成另類的“找錯遊戲”好了。我看到I Can Read!的官網上對這套書的建議閱讀年齡是4-8歲,但以Tug the Pup and Friends!這麼簡單又剪短的故事,四歲以上的孩子不見得還有興趣。不過還是很希望女兒將來學了ABC,開始學識字時,可以再把這套書重溫一次。


